Post 4: My Cat Niño

 Hello everyone, in this post I will write about what makes me happiest. It is my cat.

My cat's name is Niño and he's been with me for 5 years. I picked him up from the Street and adopted him when he was about 2 months old, he was very small and skinny. Now he is really pretty and big.

He is very calm, but there are times when he runs all around the house playing with me. He likes to go out for a walk on the roofs of the houses in my neighborhood. He is adorable, intelligent and very sociable because he always brings cats to my house and thanks to him I now have 2 more cats living in my backyard and another one that comes from time to time.

Before Niño arrived, my family did not want another cat because they didn’t wanted to stick to a pet. This happened because a few years ago we had a cat called Osito which died and we suffered a lot from his death. But now, time has passed and I feel that it was the best decision to took Niño home, he is cute with everyone in my family and we treat him like a baby.

Most of the time Niño is by my side, giving me company, especially when I stay late studying and he being by my side encourages me to continue striving. I hope that he will spend many more years with us so me and my family can enjoy his company and affection for a long time <3.

I leave some photos of Niño.
