Post 6: Our society's cancer: Inequity

    It's hard not to start with inequity to describe what I believe is the worst problem today we can have as a society. The reason is, as I see it, (almost) all the problems we face as specie originates in this central issue. We can talk, for instance, of economical or educative. Nevertheless, it is actually one and only one kind, and it spreads like branches from a three to diferent aspects of our life. 

    We live this inequity everyday, there is a sector in our city with much better social aid from the government, our politicians fill their pockets and legislate about a country they don't really know, polution flood our waters and skies, we are fed with contaminated salmon and chicken filled with antibiotics, the biggest reserves of ice (and therefore drinking whater) melts, forest are endlessly burning, and so on. 

    I believe it's really clear that, for me, it doesn't matter if we are talking of differences in the health programs that two person may recieve, or how many years more one studied than the other. All this problems are, indeed, only one that metastasizes in diferent aspects of our society. Only one thing, therefore, remains: How could we fix us? Because inequity is an human problem, thus only we can save ourselves. I hope it would be easy to give a complete answer, but this problem requires multidisciplinary studies and work. We, in the meanwhile, can only have faith in a future without the inequity cancer.


  1. You are right, if we create all these problems by ourselves, will it be so easy to reverse them?

  2. It sadness me to think it, every day I lose more the confidence in humanity.


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