Post 2: My best holidays

My favorite vacations were this summer when I traveled to the south of Chile to go backpacking with my boyfriend. Our trip began on February 14 at night where we took a bus to Puerto Varas and from there we traveled through different places until we reached Pucón. Among the places I visited were Petrohué, Frutillar, Lago Ranco, Valdivia, Puerto Fuy, Panguipulli, etc.

One of the places that I liked the most was the Lago de Todos los Santos because you could see the Volcán Osorno very close. I also really liked the Huilo-Huilo reserve, there we went to Salto del Puma, la Leona and Huilo Huilo, we walked along the forest roads, we saw the deer and some wild boar that were very small, which I found very cute.

In total we spent 11 days traveling through the south of Chile. It was a very exhausting trip since we walked a lot and I was not used to backpacking, but without a doubt it was a very nice trip because I visited many places that made me realize how wonderful the south is.

I would love to travel again soon and continue to see more places.
